Mega Man X

Mega Man X is the first game in the X series. It is my second favourite X game, coming in a close second to Mega Man X2 (which is one of my all time favourite games). Mega Man X is a great game, featuring awesome graphics, a brilliant soundtrack, and vast improvements upon the original Mega Man series. The levels and bosses still have the same notorious difficulty level that made the Mega Man series what it is, and Mega Man X is a MUST play for any gamer. New features were introduced to the Mega Man series, such as equipment upgrades to improve your character, and the infamous Hadouken shot which allows you to take down any boss with ease.
I actually had a tough time with this play through - it took me four tries to get the Hadouken, and the Bospider boss took me three attempts to finish. The final boss is actually quite easy, but very time consuming. All in all, it took me an hour and a half to beat Mega Man X.

Dynamite Headdy
~Sega Genesis
Right off the bat, I wasn't entirely fond of this game. It's quirky and fun, but the controls took me probably too long to get used to. And let me just add - this game was TOUGH! Even using save states, I still had a few game overs.
The storyline is pretty interesting: King Dark Demon is taking over North Town in recruit of new evil minions, and when you (Headdy) come in to try and stop him, he tries to have you incinerated. You must make an escape and take out the evil king to save North Town. Your main attack in this game is throwing your own head at enemies, which you can also use as a hook to climb to some higher places. Dynamite is similar to Plok in this aspect; using your own body parts as weapons and getting upgrades that transform you into something more powerful. However, instead of shape-shifting into new things like in Plok, you can find upgrades to make you smaller, faster, or even invincible.
The graphics were very smooth, and are recognized as being impressive for their time. The music is also top notch, featuring some very catchy and unique tunes that set the mood very well. Overall, Dynamite Headdy is worth the play, taking me just over 4 hours to complete.