Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time
Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time is a completely awesome game. I'm going to guess I spent about 12 hours playing this game, and I was nowhere near 100% done. Now that I've finished it on Medium mode, it's time to move up to challenge mode, upgrade all the guns to max level, collect all the Zoni and gold bolts, and then kick the crap out of Lord Vorselon!
Everything about this game is so amazingly structured. I never thought I'd go out of my way to admire the graphics in a game, but I absolutely LOVED how they were done. They're so incredibly smooth, and the colour scheme is absolutely perfect. Every planet you visit has incredibly defined scenery, and while the music doesn't really stick out in my head, it seems to have matched each section of the game quite well. The storyline is also really intriguing - basically, your little robot buddy, Clank, has been abducted by Dr. Nefarious as a means to access the Orvus Chamber in the Great Clock so he can use the power of time travel, which would have grave consequences on the very existence of the universe. So it's up to Clank to make sure nobody gets into the Orvus chamber. Back on Ratchet's side of the story, you and Qwark (the goofy captain you work with sometimes, and who is very similar to Futurama's own Zapp Brannigan) try to hunt down another Lombax (Ratchet's species) who is hellbent on also doing a bit of time travelling himself.
All in all, there wasn't a thing I didn't like about Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time. It will definitely hold it's place in my trophy room as one of my favourite games ever.