This game reminded me a lot of The Impossible Game on Xbox Live, but rather toned down. Basically you control a square, and the only objective in the game is to jump over and through the gaps at the correct time. In order to keep things fresh, the timing gets changed up at regular intervals; just when you think you've adjusted, the timing is changed with the addition of a speed upgrade, followed by a jump upgrade which actually reverts your speed to the base speed you started at.
While it only took me 11 minutes to complete this game (and 407 deaths), I found it lightly entertaining. It was also less frustrating than I expected it to be. While Space is Key is nothing spectacular, the bright colours and simple contrast, along with the decent and catchy music, made this game worth the 11 minutes.

January 2013 update: Played the game again to verify my earlier review, and ended up with this score in 8 minutes:
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