Saturday, March 10, 2012

World 2-21: Super Mario Galaxy

Super Mario Galaxy

Well, here it is - my first Wii game in my trophy room! And I have to say, it was a good choice! Super Mario Galaxy managed to introduce so many new ideas while still keeping the same basic Mario theme that everybody knows and loves. Some of my favourite levels were the ice themed ones, where if you shake the controller Mario would skate around in (sometimes frustrating) patterns. Nevertheless, it was quite a fun experience. There were also many other original level ideas, such as the bee level where you can get a bee suit and fly around for a short amount of time, and the closely related honey wall climbing level, which could only be inspired by Donkey Kong Country 2. Then there were the levels that absolutely blew my mind, such as the gravity switching levels. The background tells you which way Mario is going to fall, and you have to strategically work your way through each part without falling down the wrong way. The whole game had a lot of bright colours, and despite being the lowest class current generation console (graphics-wise), the graphics were actually very smooth and appealing. The game also featured some classic Mario music, which was so exciting to me that I actually stopped playing certain levels just so I could sit there and listen to the music.

On the negative side, I found the water levels extremely frustrating. It was so difficult to get Mario to swim in the right direction - unless you were lucky enough to come across a shell, which makes Mario swim forward automatically. Otherwise, you're stuck shaking your Wiimote back and forth, looking like an idiot, screaming at the screen trying to tell Mario that he's doing the exact opposite of what you asked him to do. And there was no shortage of water levels! The only saving grace of the water themed levels in Super Mario Galaxy were the sliding wave ones, where you would ride on top of the water, and the game played much like the Mario Kart games did. I had a lot of fun playing those water levels.

As for the movement aspect of the game, I had a LOT of difficulty getting used to the whole 3D movement thing, but I loved how your centre of gravity revolved around whatever planet you happen to be standing on, and not just flat ground at the bottom of the screen (as with 2D games). It was very frustrating at times because there were so many neat little tricks in the game where you would be flipped up onto another planet unwittingly, but it was very enjoyable at the same time because it was so unexpected and happened so fast. The whole game was pretty fast paced, and there were even certain levels where you had to beat your own ghost in a race to the end of the level to gather an extra star.

Overall, Super Mario Galaxy is a fantastic game that should at least be tried by everybody who has a Wii. In fact, buying a Wii would be well worth the money, if not just for this game. I give Super Mario Galaxy a full 10/10, despite how many times I yelled at the screen in agony.

Oh and as a side note, it took me 12 hours to finish this game, collecting 61 of the 120 stars.

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