Wednesday, March 14, 2012

World 2-23: Trauma Center: Second Opinion

Trauma Center: Second Opinion

Trauma Center: Second Opinion is a great game in a very unique series available for various Nintendo consoles, in which you must perform surgery on a variety of patients. I have played four games in the Trauma Center series, and I have to say that Trauma Center: Second Opinion is my favourite of them all (not for any particular reason). It's a brilliantly designed game with heart pounding music that really enhances on the storyline. In Trauma Center: Second Opinion, the base of the story follows Dr. Derek Stiles as he learns how to become a proper doctor and enhances his newfound skill called the Healing Touch, which allows him to slow down time to operate on his patients at superhuman speeds. At risk of spoilers (**SPOILER ALERT**) you also get to play as a second doctor in this game, and her name is Nozomi/Naomi Weaver. The story proceeds on two separate paths (one for each doctor) until (**EVEN BIGGER SPOILER ALERT**) finally they meet up at the end of the game and must perform a surgery together.

The storyline of Trauma Center: Second Opinion follows the idea of medical warfare, in which a deadly disease called G.U.I.L.T (Gangliated Utrophin Immuno Latency Toxin) has been released into the population, and your character must follow in it's shadow, working as hard as he can to find a cure for the disease alongside his beautiful young assistant, Angie. Throughout the game, you are introduced to many vibrant characters, each with a wonderful backstory and dialogue that fits their personalities perfectly. You perform a variety of surgeries, each one harder than the last, and true to Atlas nature you will suddenly find yourself struggling like never before in a level that seems impossible, and may even have you yelling at your TV in frustration.

Overall, I recommend Trauma Center: Second Opinion to people who have patience and don't mind playing the same level over and over again, because no matter how good you are at this game, you will never finish every level on your first attempt. It took me 5 hours and 14 minutes to complete all 40 operations.

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