Thursday, March 15, 2012

World 2-24: God of War

God of War

First off, let me note that I beat this game via the God of War Collection on PS3. It's been a long time since I played it on PS2, so I can't recall exactly how good the graphics were, but in this version they were SPECTACULAR.

God of War was an intensely great game. Apparently I played at least a third of this game when it was new, and I remembered quite a lot of the game. What I didn't remember is that even on Medium mode (which is the second lowest difficult), the game got pretty intense in terms of difficulty! I actually managed to get the trophy for being offered easy mode (obtained after dying too many times) without even trying.

The storyline in God of War is absolutely incredible; the base of the story is that your character (Kratos) is under service to the God of War (Ares) for reasons revealed throughout the game by means of various flashbacks. Haunted by terrible memories, it becomes Kratos main objective to do whatever he can to please the Gods so that they will forgive his merciless sins, and he will be freed of the torment.

As far as actual game play goes, the character control was very smooth, and you had a variety of different physical attacks which you could unlock by leveling up your weapons. There were also four magic attacks using mana, which are obtained throughout the game by finishing various areas. The only thing I wasn't fond of in God of War was the ridiculous amount of enemy grind. I found that even on medium difficulty, many of the enemies took ages to defeat. There was also a constant swarm of enemies spawning one after another, right from the beginning of the game, which made it hard to move through the game with much speed. It took me 9 hours and 30 minutes to complete the game, much of it spent on roaming around aimlessly while lost and taking out endless spawns of enemies. It was worth the play time though, as God of War was a game very well executed, and is such a memorable and enjoyable game that I was already itching for a second playthrough by time I was halfway done the game. The soundtrack was also beautifully done, matching every scene, level, and boss fight perfectly and enhancing the overall feel you got while playing ten fold. The voice actors were also very well picked, as each character had a unique voice to fit their perceived personality.

Overall, I give God of War a complete 10/10 for being such an awesome game. Everybody who calls themselves a gamer can't go on without trying God of War! 

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