Original Completion Date: June 16th, 2009

You and your dinosaur buddy (actually you used to be humans, but whatever) have to blow bubbles and strategically trap monsters/bounce off your bubbles to reach the final boss, defeat him, and save your girlfriends. The idea itself is pretty original, and so are the different puzzles on each floor, but basically it comes down to the fact that Bubble Bobble is an extremely monotonous game. It takes a long time to get to the end, with some VERY frustrating levels along the way. And assuming you tackled the game solo, once you reach the end you realize there is no way to get the good end all by yourself. That's right, you have to have a second player to really beat the game. The only real drawbacks to Bubble Bobble are the fact that you can't get the good end alone, and the fact that it's really monotonous. Everything else about Bubble Bobble keeps me coming back for more. Especially that music. Oh god, that music. Enjoy!

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