Original Completion Date: July 3rd, 2009
This was my first time beating Donkey Kong Country 3. I definitely spent more than 2 hours playing, but hey I still kicked everybody else's ass speed wise. I'm a little mad that I couldn't write my full name (everybody else gets up to 7 characters! How come I only got 5?), but that's trivial compared to the actual game play. What I like about Donkey Kong Country 3 is that it's very similar to the first two games in the series; they managed to expand the game without ruining all the basics. Same great music, same great graphics, and you always have at least one familiar playable character in the Donkey Kong Country games. I wasn't much a fan of the new guy, Kiddy Kong, but at least you can still haul ass with Dixie's bad ass banana hair. The storyline is basically the same as the first two: "Oh No! Where did that foolish Kong go? We must seek adventure and rescue him!!" but hey, it works well. The 90s were a much simpler time. Oh and definite props on the soundtrack; David Wise strikes again!

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