Ardy Lightfoot is a great platformer for the SNES. I just recently found this game, and feel ripped off that I never got to play it in my childhood. It was about average length for a SNES platformer; it took me two hours to beat. Like most SNES games, the graphics are clear and the soundtrack is decent too. The game features the main character Ardy Lightfoot (who I assume is a fox) and his penguin buddy Pec, who follows Ardy around and is used as the main weapon. Pec is also used as a tool in the game, much like Rush from the Mega Man series. This game really captured that great 90s video game vibe that made Super Nintendo what it was, and still is today. When you finish the game it says "to be continued" but unfortunately I don't think a sequel was ever made. Ardy Lightfoot is a pretty decent game that's worth the two or three hours you put into it.

Ahhh this game looks adorable!