Original Completion Date: May 3rd, 2009

I originally discovered Legend of the Mystical Ninja on the Wii's Virtual Console, but never managed to finish the game back then. However, I loved the game so much that I just had to give it another (and another, and another...) chance, until I finally pulled it off. I love everything about this game. It's cute, it's fun, it's serious good times. It has a great Japanese feel to it, and even though the game plot is the typical "holy crap that dumb ass princess got stolen, quick somebody save her!", it turned out really well. I also thoroughly enjoyed the music and sound effects. As this seems to be a bit of a hidden gem, I definitely recommend this to anybody who calls themselves a retro gamer. Find this game and play it immediately! It's worth every minute.

If I were to take your advice on how many games I should get/play, I'd be doomed. Remember, not all of us have 1337 retro skill! Lol.